Urban Design
  • Hybrid Complementary Metallic Street Furniture Hybrid Collection intends to offer a complementary solution to the other ranges AMOP that answers innovatively to the infrastructural needs of the urban tissue. By creating a hyb...
  • Online Equipment Configurator “To understand the identity of each place." "To approach the objects to the people and its socio-cultural context. “ “It is understood for LugarComum, a reality, a space, an identi...
  • Plano City, Kultur & Denkmäler | Nationaler Erbe Nationaler Innovation in Touristischen - Ausrüstung | Amop Synergies + Viúva Lamego + Erweiterter Realität Technologie Amop ist Pionier i...
  • Kinder-und Erwachsene | Generationenbeziehungen Spielen ist ein gewöhnliches und natürliches Verhalten während der Kindheit. Diese Aktivität ist wichtig für das menschliche Wachstum sowie für der körperlichen...
  • Urban Furniture Ar Puro “Urban furniture produced in concrete is usually understood as very resistant and long lasting public equipment, but some times also senn as rigid and uncomfortable. The urban furniture Ar Puro collection arose ...
  • Urban Elements | Organic CELL FORMS is a collection of urban elements with a great functional versatility. The shapes, based on organic lines, produce volumes that resemble cells. CELL FORMS are elements of home with a "cellular ...
  • Urban and Landscap Elements Landscapes is a line of concrete urban elements made for gardens and public spaces. The shapes arose from Nature itself. Each product is considered to be an evolution of a natural element. this fact allows for ...